Want to Meet me for Cupcakes?!?
/I have neglected this space for 24 days now. And with good cause.
Today is Day 39 of 100+ degree temperatures here in Dallas, Texas.
My brain has literally melted and oozed outta my armpits. Every time I have a slight moment of intelligence or creativity it seems to melt straight out of my brain and drip right down the middle of my back into my unmentionables. It's awful y'all. And I mean awful.
I have never been more grateful to be sitting on a plane headed to Seattle. Thank God for Seattle. For good coffee. Good seafood. Good people. Beautiful scenery. And a perfect, heavenly, perpetual rainy season.
I have lots of updates, stories, and Annie pictures to share. But before that barrage of blogs, I want to ask you to please HELP the children and families in the Horn of Africa who are suffering from one of the worst draughts in recorded history.
CNN's medical correspondant, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, sent a first hand account from Somalia to the news outlet this morning, eerily titled, A Race to Save the Starving. He says this, "There is no way to dignify the description of death by starvation. It is neither quick nor painless. Not too long after the food is cut off, the body resorts to fuel reserves in the liver and fatty tissues. Once the fat is all gone, and the person is a skeleton of what he or she once was, the body searches for protein, and finds it in muscle tissue. Even the muscle of the heart is consumed, leaving someone drained and listless."
"There is no way to dignify the description of death by starvation."
These words stopped my heart. As a momma or daddy- how do you watch your baby go through this?
He goes on to talk about a six year old boy who has been walking with his dad for ten days, trying to make it to another country that has food and water. This little boy will not live past the end of this weekend. His little body can't process food or water any longer He is one little boy out of thousands and thousands whose bodies are literaly withering away. As a mom I can't help but think of Annie. And today- that image has made me angry and desperate.
Angry at the suffering and desperate to help.
Every humanitarian aide organization currently on the ground is saying the same thing. This is suffering at its worse.
Will you help? You can join me and World Concern- a non-profit, international humanitarian aide organization and donate right now. Anything helps. Everything helps.
World Concern works with the world's most poor communities- and 94% of every dollar they recieve goes directly to serve the poor. Charity Navigator has given World Concern their highest rating- 4 stars. They are also a charter member of the ECFA and a member of NCIF as well as partners with the ONE campaign. World Concern does timely, extensive, hands-on work with the world's most poor and vulnerable and I am so humbled to work alongside of them as we try to live out our faith in word and deed. Take a few minutes to look at their website and see how you can join us to help eradicate poverty.
If you live in Seattle, we are doing a free show tomorrow night (Thursday, August 11th) to raise money for those suffering in the Horn of Africa. Tickets are limited- but if you are a blog reader and plan on coming to the event and donating money- I'd love to say a special thank you and invite you to join me before the show for cupcakes! The concert is sponsored by World Concern and Spirit 105.3 and will be held at the SPIRIT Sound Stage (Schrimer Auditorium), 7:00 p.m. To reserve tickets for your friends and family, please visit the Spirit 105.3 website. Then, email me: jenny@addisonroad.com to let me know you are coming, donating, and would like to join me at 6:00 p.m. for cupcakes!
If you don't live in Seattle- check my show calander. If you donate to World Concern's famine relief drive- I will treat you to cupcakes in your own city! It's just that important. All you need to do is make a donation and email me with the show that you wil be attending!
I believe that by partnering together we can make a difference. Little. Big. Every penny counts. And I trust World Concern to use every penny to help save lives from starvation. So join me.